Saturday, January 21, 2012

Kids Say the Darndest Things {12}

*Me: You're so big, Amaia!
Amaia: Am I big?
Me: Yeah-you're getting big just like Mommy!
Amaia: And like Daddy! I'm getting to be a boy!

*Amaia was super sad, so this was my attempt to cheer her up:
Me (very dramatically): Why didn't you tell me I looked scary (i.e. no make up on)?
Amaia: I didn't tell you because I was screaming and crying and whining!

*Amaia was yelling out the back window at all the ducks swimming behind our house.
Amaia says: I'm scaring the duckies. Hold still-I don't want anybody to move. No talking, no farting, and no talking-I'm going to yell!

*Amaia was nursing her stuffed horse and she says: He's drinking from my booby! He's zoo thirsty. He's drinking milk-or apple juice, or orange juice, or water melon, or lemonade.

*This one's more of a 'kids do', but have you seen the part in the July video where I cry for a doctor and Amaia 'pumps' medicine out of that little piece on that stool? Well, one time I cried for a doctor, and Amaia said NO. So Solia runs to the stool, flips the little piece a couple times, and then comes and 'gives' me the medicine by full on smacking me on the face over and over.

*One day I was throwing a fit about something, so Amaia says to me: You need to chill out! Do you even hear yourself?? We do not yell in this house!! (It was quite an eyeopener, and I was immediately over whatever it was I was yelling about because it was just so funny!)

*I usually take my ring off when I type on the computer, because it slides over and the diamond rests in between my fingers and it's annoying. Amaia came up and grabbed it off the keyboard and asked if I wanted my ring. After I put it back on, Amaia says : Now you love daddy again, because you have your ring on!

*Amaia: I need to get in my bed and take a biiig breath so I can get all the tired out. I'm so tired and I need to get all the tired out of my mouth!

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