Thursday, June 17, 2010

June 2010-1st Half

Ok, so I'm trying to be better about this.
But apparently I've slacked off photo-wise. These are seriously all the pictures we took the past two weeks. I usually have to narrow down the hundreds (you think I'm kidding?) of pictures to pick a handful for these collages. Let me just say that every single picture we took is down there.

That being said, at least I have some stuff that Amaia's been up to (must hurry because my back is friggin' killing me!):
She'll give eskimo kisses-or as she calls them, 'minimo' kisses
A Piano is a 'meen-o'
Everytime I take Amaia to the bathroom, she'll copy what I used to say and go "I comin'"
After we use the bathroom, Amaia insists that we dry our hand off at the same time on the towel, or she flips a lid
Good morning (which she never actually says in the morning) is "ahh moanin'"
When I wake her up, we do have a nice "HI" match-she'll say Hi, then I'll repeat it, and then she will, on and on. She says Hi really drawn out, with a lot of emphasis on the H part (think that fluffy thing Katie from the movie Horton Hears a Who)
She can count to 5 on her own now, though I'll be darned if I can get her to do it for the camera
When I give something to Amaia, all I have to do now is say "What do you say?" to get a "thank you"
When she wants me to sing "Daddy's Homecoming" she'll ask for the "Daddy Home Daddy Song"
If she wants me to sing "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam" she'll ask for the "baby Jesus song" (don't ask me...)
When she gives high fives she'll knock knuckles afterwards-she's even been known to give air high fives :)
Learned how to say Happy Birthday (happy bo-bay)
Sometimes when she's in a hurry, like when she's running full force to the bathroom, she tell me that "Amaia fast airplane"
Along with 'Amaia Happy Now', we also started to get "Amaia Funny" and "Amaia Otay"

So...enough about her. Things are going good around here. I'm starting to get big :) I know it's been forever since I posted a picture of my roundness, but I dont like to do them when my hair isn't done (I know right? be vain when I look like a friggin' hippo...) and when I actually do my hair, we totally forget. So hopefully I'll have one for the next post.

In case you haven't heard, our C-section date it scheduled for JULY 30th at 8:30 in the morning. Which couldn't come any sooner because I can't stand this back pain! I swear it's like right in the kidney (ok maybe alittle higher, but right around in there) on my back and inside in the front. It only hurts when I'm sitting down, but it's not like I get to lay down all day and standing isn't much fun either. I've tried our massage chair (which makes it feel good, until the massage is over), a rice bag (which also feels good until it gets cold) and next on the list is Icy Hot. I have no idea if it's a muscle pain or joint pain or what. If Icy Hot doesn't work I might have to resort to plain old much as I dont' want to. But MAN it kills!

Ok sorry, enough about me :) Sorry no video (we probably got just as scant amount of video as pictures the past two weeks, so it woudln't me much of a video anyways). Now I'm off to try and finish off my list of To-Do's and Crafts that have to be done in the next 6 weeks (yea-6 weeks!!). Wish me luck!

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