Tuesday, May 17, 2011

January 2011 2nd Half w Video

This month we went to Stonehenge for the first time. It was cool and all, but you can only get so close, and it was FREEZING. Like, probably literally, except our stupid car had the thermometer in C and I'm useless with Celsius. Anyways, we went in, paid, pretty much walked around it as fast as we could manage, and left. We didn't even bother pulling the girls out of the stroller for a picture-it was that cold.

Amaia took a nice fall. She decided to wear her plastic princess shoes down the stairs-not a good idea. I went and picked her up and she cried for like 2 seconds before calming down. I was resting my face on her head while hugging her (in front of a mirror we had in the hall) and when I lifted my face off, it was covered in blood! Amaia had a huge gash on her head and she didn't even notice. I was going to go clean it off and I almost got sick when I moved her hair and saw how deep it was-you could see all the fat under her skin and it was all bubbly and gross. Anyways, Amaia acted like nothing had even happened. I called Justin and made him come home and take her to the ER. They just superglued it all up. And the surrounding hair-like it looked like they just took the bottle and squeezed it on her head-it ran all the way down to her ear almost. Ugh. According to Justin, she just sat there completely still and calm and quiet the whole time. She cried right at the end, though, becuase she wanted the doctor to not stop and keep fixing her up.

The scary part about all of that, though, is Justin had his first visit to the ER when he was 2, and he also apparently just took it all in stride like a tough macho man. And then he was in and out of the ER like a motorcycle dare devil the rest of his life (up until he got back from the mission-hasn't had any accidents since then). I'm hoping this isn't some sort of sick omen.

Happening with the girls this time around:

*Every time I am holding or hugging Amaia and Solia at the same time, Amaia will say "Two cute little girls!"

*When Solia spits up or poos, Amaia tells her "Dat's just nasgy, Solia"

*Amaia will always say "It's a good idea (fill in the blank)": to go to the store; go eat dinner; get her teddy; etc.

*She also says "I'm pretty sure (fill in the blank)": I hungry; Solia has a poopy diaper; etc.

*I'm pretty sure that Amaia has finally made the connection that Solia is the 'baby sister' that was in my tummy for so long

*Amaia's learned how to answer "why". She can actually give me reasons for things now.

*Solia is super terrified of strangers and freaks out when I leave her line of sight.

*Solia started scooting! or the army crawl, whatever you want to call it. But either way it means she's mobile.

*If you tell Amaia a secret, she'll want to tell you one, too, so she'll put her ear on your ear and whisper something that you can't hear because she's talking to your hair :)

*If you call Amaia a name, she'll respond with "I'm a big giirl!". IE-Amaia, you're such a fruit: My not a frooot, I a big giirl!

*We try and teach her new words all the time, we always says "Amaia can you say (applesauce, ie); she'll say "No, I can't say applesauce!" It's really funny.

*Amaia calls Solia a 'little goobie goobies'

*When she says 'color' it sounds like 'clud or'; when she says 'yellow' sounds like 'led-o'; silly sounds like 'sliddy'

*When she wants to suck on her thumb while cuddling with her blankey, she calls it 'sucking my blankey'

*Amaia has started singing (mostly nonsense) all the time

*And to end on a not so awesome note, Amaia is officially back in pull ups full time. Ugh. At least it means less trips to the bathroom, and less laundry. For now.

Top: Picture of the harbor on our little island; and a picture of the lights switching from red to green Bottom: how much we paid (in pounds) for our first tank of gas; the speed lines on the road; and a manor/house thing that was converted into an awesome looking McDonald's




Amaia, including a nice shot of her head wound.

Small disclaimer: In the video, Amaia demonstrates her anatomical knowledge of the human body parts (in the nether regions), so if you are easily offended you might want to plug your ears, or just not watch, or get over it and watch it anyways. :)


There is no longer a video in this post-follow the link to my video on YouTube:

This is so you can actually watch the full HD version of the film, instead of a 4in square box with super terrible resolution so I could upload it to the post...

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! I love your 365 pics. Especially the one where they have the xbox controllers and headphones. Solia's face is so cute! I loved her story of Cinderbulla. Amaia is so smart! :)

    That's crazy about her head! And that she wasn't screaming the whole time! That could have been a lot worse I guess.
