Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Spot the Difference {7}

Well, I'm sad to report that we won't be having another installment of Kids Say the Darndest Things for a while. Since I'm kind of slow on the posting (like it's almost July and I just barely posted the March posts) I've been keeping a running list of the Darndest things that Amaia says, and every time I post one of these I grab a few off the list (in chronological order, of course). Somehow, however, between syncing my list app with the online list thinger, my list was shortened from like 30 things, to like 9. Five of which I'd already used, and the rest I used last time. I dont' know how that happened, but it did, and I'm sad, but what can you do?


Except continue on with the Spot the Difference post (since this list in perfect condition):

*People here call every thing "Brilliant" or "lovely". If you look nice today, it's "Wow Emily you just look lovely". But if something is clever, smart, a good idea, amazing, etc it's "I saw the most brilliant thing yesterday..." (now that word has no meaning...I've said it too many times in my head just now)

*In the states you can use "bucks" as a slang for "dollars". In the UK the slang for 'pounds' is "quid"

*They don't have lemonade here. Well, they do, but it's nasty and carbonated and not anything like real lemonade. And if you ask for a lemonade at a restaurant, you'll get a Sprite.

*Flipping the bird is not offensive here-although some variation or waggle of your two first fingers (peace sign style) is just the same.

*If you are telling some one your phone number, for example, you wouldn't say "5-9-6-4-4-5-2" you would say "5-9-6-double 4-5-2

*And last but not least, the trunk of your car is called the 'boot'

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